RCLeague Sezonul 7 - Etapa 2 & 3 |
Tocmai s-au incheiat etapele 2 si 3 din RCLeague, doua etape cu scoruri asteptate, fara mari surprize. More |
Posted by 20 |
RCLeague Sezonul 7 - Etapa 1 |
Cinci meciuri s-au desfasurat pana acum din Romanian CS:S League (Etapa1), unele dintre ele foarte stranse, unde a dominat suspansul pana in ultima secunda . More |
Posted by 20 |
Romanian CS:S League Sezonul 7 |
RCLeague Sezonul 7 e pe cale sa inceapa, mai exact pe 03.03.2008. In acest sezon, care se anunta foarte disputat, s-au inscris 12 clanuri printre care mYR, Team Pro, CreatioN, Fear... More |
Posted by 20 |
CS:Source OpenCup Spring 2008 |
The ClanBase Spring Season has arrived, with the announcement of 75 OpenCups and 10 EuroCup tournaments.
Sign-ups are open from now until the 9th of March (and I've been asked to remind everyone that even EuroCup participants must sign-up - and when you sign-up, you can chose whether your team is considered for a position in the EuroCup), and you can see... More |
Posted by 20 |
Best Retired European Players |
This article will go over some of the best players that have graced the European scene, but are no longer playing. It is not an official ranking and will not be followed up by a later ranking, it will merely serve as an editorial piece aimed to reminisce some great players... More |
Posted by 20 |